Discover pathways to Healing our Body, our Mind, and our Planet


    This section focuses on the 4 Pillars of Health: diet and nutrition, exercise, deep restorative sleep, and stress management. It empowers the reader through education and understanding their body, provides “natural” solutions to healing, strategies to practice “preventative-maintenance,” how to avoid chronic disease, as well as updates on the latest discoveries in Naturopathic and Functional Medicine for restoring one’s physical Health.


    This section focuses on psychological and emotional wellness. Providing wisdom gathered from Taoist, Buddhist, and eastern philosophy traditions, this section guides the individual in grounding themselves, achieving peace of mind and inner balance, and learning how to consciously respond to life as opposed to unconsciously reacting to it.


    This section provides perspectives on the ecological wellness of the planet and the role we each play in sustaining our beautiful planet through consumer choice. It provides recommendations on how to detoxify your home and products to make your home free of any chemicals that can adversely affect one’s health. By filling our homes with chemical-free, non-toxic, biodegradable products, we collectively make the world a “greener” place to live.