Verb: Change, alter, adjust, vary; modify, revise, reverse, retract; do a U-turn.

Noun: The characteristic belief system, spirit, or mindset of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its values, hopes, and aspirations.

The Way Out, Is In . . .

The Mission of SHIFT ETHOS is rooted in service to and helping others, by being an educational resource to those dedicated to the wellbeing of their BODY, MIND, and our beautiful PLANET.

Sadly, almost 90% of the diseases that exist today did not exist only 80 years ago, as health in the United States has deteriorated decade after decade since World War 2. What’s happened in that time frame?

Starting in the 1950s, we moved away from soil nutrient sustaining, regenerative, crop-rotation farming practices and adopted in its place, thanks to the Rockefeller Family (said tongue in cheek), a petroleum-derived, chemical fertilizer model of farming. Sounds benign, right? It’s not.

This new type of farming involved heavy spraying of crops with an extremely toxic insecticide/anti-parasitic product called glyphosate (a.k.a. RoundUp) which most people know as a weed killer. It has never been patented as a weed killer. It’s actually the most powerful antibiotic ever created, which destroys the microbiota in soil responsible for creating the nutrients taken up by plants, locking farmers into a codependent relationship with the chemical companies to produce fertilizers in place of the natural elements in soil created by the fungi and bacteria who call the soil their home.

In 1994 we introduced the first genetically modified crop engineered to survive exposure to this toxic chemical. Since then, we have replaced almost all natural “organic” farming with crops that produce harvests virtually devoid of any nutrition, as glyphosate prevents the formation of 9 essential amino acids the human body cannot make and come only from our food via the microbes in the soil. Even if you think you’re doing good eating your fruits and veggies, if they’re not organic, they possess almost none of the essential nutrients or amino acids your body requires. These foods only weaken the body and the immune system. It’s important to note, this practice is banned in Europe.

Adding to this dismal narrative on the decline of human health, came the adoption of our now commonplace, widely accepted, completely unquestioned extremely toxic diets. Starting in the late 70s, early 80s, we began replacing real food with a diet of highly processed “food-like” products - which now constitute 63% of the Standard American Diet (SAD). The average grocery store contains over 80,000 of these “products” that are anything but actual food. They collectively contain over 2,000 synthetic chemicals, ‘natural’ & artificial flavors, dyes, emulsifiers, thickening agents, preservatives, and more - none of which can be metabolized by the human body and provide no nutrition, only empty calories consisting of sugar, trans fats, highly refined “enriched flour,” and seed oils. As a result, we gain more and more weight and yet, we’re always hungry.

That brings us to the last piece of the puzzle. Our consumption of gluten and lectins has increased ten-fold over this time frame. Both gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye) and lectins (a protein found in most plants) are pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory, creating oxidative stress on cells and chronic cellular inflammation, which leads to chronic disease.

The food companies, who despite popular belief are not overseen and regulated by the FDA, but rather self-governing and self-regulating, “poison for profit” and literally manufacture illness, with the “ingredients” in their products. In this way the food companies create the patients for the medical industry to profit on.

When we reach our toxicological threshold or capacity, we become sick and seek the assistance of the medical industry and pharmaceutical companies. Our modern healthcare system through endless propaganda via billboards, commercials, news and sport sponsorship, promotes “symptoms” to a very naive public as diseases and prescribes toxic “medicines,” that are not medicine. They are petroleum-derived synthetic chemicals designed to block natural systems of the body so as to mask symptoms and convince patients who become asymptomatic that their condition is being managed, and is now under control.

Subsequently, this model, just like the chemical-fertilizer companies, locks the end user of the products (patient) into a codependent relationship with the chemical pharmaceutical companies. Our medical system is the same codependent petroleum-based, chemical farming system applied to humans. The medical system only further creates toxicity in our bodies that continue to go into decline. They cannot be “cured” in any capacity through pharmaceutical intervention; only continually “managed” creating a never ending revenue stream for BIG PHARMA.

Let’s help you find your way out . . .


A good start in optimizing one’s probability of living a long, healthy, disease-free life, begins with first understanding these threats to our health, detoxing the body, practicing “preventative maintenance” by nutritionally supporting the body and the mind, and further creating a safe, non-toxic, chemical-free home by removing products that can adversely affect one’s health.

This website is an adjunct to the SHIFT ETHOS WELLNESS PROGRAM - a comprehensive 12-Week Program that does just that. It was created with YOU in mind, providing information and strategies that will help you and others like you, live their BEST LIFE.

I practice everything I teach in the wellness program and blog about on this website, sharing decades of research in anatomy & physiology, diet & nutrition, as well as what I’ve learned along my own personal journey of self-discovery, having studied eastern philosophy, buddhism, and the yogic sciences. Every ritual I practice and every product I endorse is something I use personally and inspired by either ancient wisdom, modern science, or both. They’re natural, safe, and efficacious.

The key insight I hope to instill in you is the body's innate ability to heal from just about anything. With proper nutrition, emphasizing a holistic approach to the loss of homeostasis/balance and “dis-ease” in the body (disease), we need to consider all aspects of a person’s life in addressing imbalance in the body including: habits, lifestyle choices, diet, nutrition - or lack thereof - sleep patterns, and stress management. In doing so, we address the “root” cause, as opposed to pharmaceutical interventions that only block natural systems of the body, mask symptoms, but never address the root cause of any disease state. That’s why it’s referred to as the “practice of medicine.” 

Anyone learning the history of the Rockefeller Family’s Pharmaceutical Business model would be nothing short of concerned about who and what they were placing their faith in when they get sick or worse yet develop chronic disease.

This torrid history is covered in my eBook HARMONY, available for download in the Shift Ethos Store.

When we know better, we do better.
When we do better, we live better!

I created Shift Ethos to be a resource assisting others in their own personal journey of discovery, with the hope of empowering them by simplifying the complex intricacies involved in caring for their body, their mind, and the beautiful planet we all inhabit to better navigate this thing called LIFE. That’s the spirit behind all the content provided on Shift Ethos.

Think of me as your “Health & Wellness, Mindful Living, Environmentally Conscious” Sherpa. That’s a title a friend of mine gave me. I am both flattered and honored by that sentiment.

I am not a healer, I am a teacher. I teach those willing to learn how to support their body in healing itself. I’m passionate about providing resources others can use to nurture their body and mind. Although, the suggestions and information provided here can help heal you, it’s your body, programmed with 3.2 billion years of accumulated genetic intelligence woven into the fabric of our DNA, it’s the body healing itself, not me.

Acting as your “Sherpa,” (guide) I can definitely help you navigate the terrain in front of you on your path to creating a much healthier life that will add vibrancy and years to your longevity, a safe home with safe products, and a more eco-friendly planet for all of us.

Just remember, our bodies and our minds are the culmination sum of every thing we choose to put in them. Choose wisely! I’m here to help!

Love and Light to You in your continued Journey of Self Discovery!